Monday, October 27, 2014

Family Fun, Surprise Lows, & how rude!!

What a wonderful weekend it was!! We took a family trip to the zoo yesterday. What a gorgeous day for it! 80’s in late October in KC!! I hope you all were outside too.

Just as we pull out of the driveway I feel my first low blood sugar of the day. No biggie, fruit snacks from my purse stash that’s for both Landon & I. Scooby Doo kind this week. Then I chased then with an apple cinnamon bar Scott had in his truck. On we went to the zoo. Turns out, it was “Boo at the Zoo”, come in costume and trick or treating for kiddos…..oops. Parenting almost fail here, only to be saved by telling Landon “see how hot it is, you wouldn’t want to be in your costume out here today!! Plus, you can still trick or treat!!” Phew, we dodged that one just barely :)

River otters, Polar bear, Penguins, & Elephants oh my!! Landon LOVES the zoo, he always has!! This little boy of ours LOVES all animals big, small, real, and all 500 of his stuffed animals as well!! :)

We had just wandered over the bridge and into Africa, and were trying to decide where to go next when my second and much worse low blood sugar hit. As I struggled to make a decision on what I needed to do – the lower the sugar the tougher this is, it continued to drop. I settled on having to ask to cut in the mile long line in the restaurant to get a pop. I asked a lady who was waiting to order with her family if I could please get a drink for low blood sugar. She looked at me, sighed, said “I guess” and actually rolled her eyes at me. I muttered out “I’m sorry, I’m Diabetic” (In hindsight I’m yelling at myself that I have nothing to be sorry for). I asked the lady working the counter for a dr pepper as sweat was pouring down my face. The scared factor had set in by now. At the same time, the lady that I had gotten in front of was discussing with her family how irresponsible I was, and lecturing them that I could have prevented this and on and on and on. I have never in my entire Diabetic life felt this ashamed or embarrassed, I was near tears waiting for my drink. If you know me very well, you know that my typical non-low blood sugar reaction would have been to confront this woman. However without low blood sugar, I wouldn’t have been in that situation. The whole thing lasted maybe 3 minutes, but it felt like a lifetime. On any regular day in “Beth-Land”, I take on the world, full steam ahead, and don’t back down especially if it comes to sticking up for what I think is right. In fact, I’m kinda known for that! But in that moment, that one person was able to make me feel like it was my fault, that I was a “bad” and “irresponsible” diabetic and it hurt…..a lot.

I slurped down the Dr Pepper, inhaled more snacks from my purse. My blood sugar recovered, we moved on, out of Africa by tram, and on to trick or treating.  A visit with the blue frogs, Meerkats, and Lemurs (a few of Landons favorites). We even discovered a bridge to feed the fish below that we hadn’t come across before. Then, with one worn out little boy we headed towards home. All in all, it was a fantastic day!! That 3 minutes of awfulness didn’t ruin my whole day, it did take a part of it away, just not the whole thing!!!

By the end of the day,  I knew I would share this story. And I knew that my one hope for that woman is that no one she loves will ever be faced with this disease. Control for us Type 1’s is an illusion, something we can chase, but never catch. In order to survive, we must do what we can with what we have, and sometimes that means dealing with some rough moments. 

In order to end this on a slightly humorous's a funny!!

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